Our mission is to enable
fulfilling careers for everyone.

About Us

We’re a team of professionals and we’re actively creating a future of meaningful learning. A chance for people all over the world to enroll in a journey that opens doors at the same time it transforms. We help creatives become more creative, managers learn to lead and anyone and everyone create a meaningful career.

Since late 2019, we’ve been building Akinse to be a career partner that helps individuals advocate for themselves and build meaningful careers. We’ve spent the last few months changing gears to be able to quickly launch the tools and programs that will help people most - and most immediately - during this time. They are the tools and guidance we wish we'd had.

At Akinse, we are a collective of individuals who have all been through uncertainty and career challenges before. We have all felt lost out at sea and lacked the support of a community. We want to help you through these moments.

You can read all the details on our program here.

And you can contact us here.

What We Do

We help people pursue their dream career by training them on the essensial skills required to do any job efficiently in 21st century.

Career Readiness

Akinse's career readiness program helps to fill the soft skill gap. It teaches core competencies like critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and problem-solving, and help building character qualities like persistence, curiosity and initiative.

Learning Platform

We do not believe in one-size-fit-all solutions. People unlike machines, have different pattern of learning. Our platform analyzes and adjusts effectively.

A Supportive Professional Community

Our community approach makes learning a little less lonely. You can lean on other professionals for support or advice and also use them to expand your professional network and reach.

The Road Ahead

Enroll into our career readiness program today. Behind the curtain, we have a lot of exciting things on the horizon to help and support your growth.

Until then, we'd love for you to join our growing community. Your participation and feedback is invaluable to our success of helping professionals on their journey.

Careers at Akinse

Does the idea of building a platform that helps people make the best and most informed career decisions excite you?

View Openings

Contact Us

If you have any questions about Akinse or are interested in working with us, reach out! We'd love to hear from you.

Contact Us

Take that next big step in your career with Akinse.

Join Akinse career program and get expert advice, a supportive community and the tools and resources you need to grow your career.

Explore Our Program → Enroll Now